Resilient Teens technology research highlighted
A recent article in www.stuff.co.nz features A Better Start Resilient Teens team’s work that is researching and developing e-therapy options for young people in New Zealand. The research is led by Professor Sally Merry from the University of Auckland, who is on...
Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy of upmost importance for our tamariki
“The Government’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy, which was released yesterday, is an extremely positive step towards improving the lives of tamariki in New Zealand,” says Professor Wayne Cutfield, A Better Start National Science Challenge Director. “We welcome...
A Better Start endorses Wellbeing Budget 2019
“We are pleased to endorse the Prime Minister’s first Wellbeing Budget, which was released today,” says A Better Start Challenge Director, Professor Wayne Cutfield. “A Better Start National Science Challenge’s mission is to elevate the importance of children as vital...
SYMPOSIUM Better Together 2019 focuses on ways to give our tamariki a better start in life
Our Aotearoa New Zealand tamariki are facing an increasing number of serious health and wellbeing issues from the day they are born. A Better Start National Science Challenge is working to ensure that young New Zealanders have a healthy weight, are confident at...
HABITs work to maintain good mental health for young people
At the recent International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) conference, hosted by The University of Auckland in February, HABITs and associated research on digital tools for parents of younger children was featured, and shared across three different symposia at the conference.