Read the published report for ‘Te Taonga o Taku Ngākau’ Ancestral Knowledge and the Wellbeing of Tamariki Māori project by Leonie Pihama, Naomi Simmonds and Waikaremoana Waitoki. This project investigates ways that mātauranga Māori related to the raising of Māori children can be used to develop prevention and intervention tools that support tamariki and whānau who are experiencing mental health issues in Aotearoa.

The overarching question is: How can mātauranga Māori provide an evidence-based cultural intervention that will improve the mental health and wellbeing of tamariki Māori and their whānau?

This question links directly to the overarching aim of A Better Start, which seeks to inform the development of culturally grounded frameworks through which to understand and intervene in the processes that contribute to mental health issues for tamariki Māori and their whānau.

The research reasserts the fundamental principles of Kaupapa Maori and their value in transformation for whanau and uses them to analyse and organise the wealth of material that was shared as part of the research. Read the full report Te Taonga o Taku Ngākau here.

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